Bioanalízis sejt és egymolekula szinten, alapoktól az alkalmazásig

2024. május 19

Hír bevezető kép


Institute of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, Semmelweis University Basic Medical Science Center,  Intensive Course 2024 22-31 May, CEEPUS, In the frame of RO-0010-18-2324 network, Teaching, and Learning Bioanalysis CEEPUS Network (coordinator Jolan Harsfalvi)

Days started with lectures at 9 am, continued with practices, ended with quizzes of the lecturers and demonstrators, and closed at 5 pm*. The student with the most correct answer was awarded a Semmelweis flask.

D1, ARRIVAL to Budapest

Welcome Gabriella Donath Nagy, Jolán Hársfalvi,
Introduction of the Students
Periodic phenomena and pattern formation in chemical and biological systems (Gabriella Donáth-Nagy)
Protein structure determination in solution with X-ray and neutron small-angle scattering. Hands-on experience in interpreting structural biology data (Bence Fehér)
Protein structure determination in solution with X-ray and neutron small-angle scattering. Hands-on experience in interpreting structural biology data (Bence Fehér)
Nanomanipulation of single viruses (Bálint Kiss)

From single molecules to the living organism. Passion for discovery and value-driven leadership (Miklós Kellermayer
Semmelweis University and Budapest (Bálint Budavári)
Resonance theory and practice in small groups at 7 working places (Ádám Zolcsák)
Békésy Gyösgy Reserach Center Atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Ádám Zolcsák)
Practice: preparation of a multimer protein and its AFM analysis (Jolán Hársfalvi)

Explore links between bioanalysis and biophysics, force sensing during primary hemostasis. Practice: preparation of a multimer protein and its AFM analysis (Jolán Hársfalvi), Atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Ádám Zolcsák)
Universal method for synthesis of artificial gel antibodies by the imprinting approach combined with a unique electrophoresis technique for detection of minute structural differences of proteins, viruses, and bacteria (Anikó Takátsy)

Photo: Students from Marosvásárhely