Research Topics for Students
Research Topics for Students 2024
Title |
Supervisor |
Role of phosphorilation in the nanomechanics of titin. |
Zsolt Mártonfalvi, PhD |
The function of the giant protein nebulin in skeletal muscle. |
Balázs Kiss, MD, PhD |
The pathobiophysics of nebulin mutations in skeletal muscle myopathies. |
Balázs Kiss, MD, PhD |
Investigation of ligans acting on noncanonical viral nucleic acid structures. |
László Smeller, PhD |
Ca2+ dependence of calmodulin activity in the physiologic Ca2+ concentration range. |
Károly Liliom , PhD |
In silico study of the working mechanism of Ran small GTPase. |
Erika Balog , PhD |
Statistical analysis of observational studies. |
Gergely Agócs, PhD |
In situ structural and mechanical investigation of the giant muscle protein titin in a transgenic mouse model. |
Miklos Kellermayer, MD, PhD |
In vitro motility assay of motor proteins. |
Miklos Kellermayer, MD, PhD |
Structure and force spectroscopy of bacteriophages. |
Miklos Kellermayer, MD, PhD |
Mechanisms of viral DNA ejection. |
Miklos Kellermayer, MD, PhD |
The viral infectious cycle explored at the single cell and single virion level. |
Miklos Kellermayer, MD, PhD |
High resolution cryo-optical spectrosopy of Calmodulin. |
Gusztáv Schay, PhD |
Can the interaction of platelet and its cofactor be a culprit both in bleeding or thrombosis? |
Jolán Hársfalvi, PhD |
Investigation of skeletal and cardiac sarcomere proteins with AFM and STED super-resolution imaging. |
György Török, PhD |
Studying complex sarcomeric structures by state-of-the-art Expansion Microscopy. |
György Török, PhD |