Medical imaging methods 2017-2018


General information

Compulsory subject 3rd year 2nd semester

credit: 2

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60234)

Altogether 12 hours lecture and 16 hours practice/semester which is distributed between the Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, the Department of Nuclear Medicine and the Department of Human Morphology and Cell Biology

Lecture: Thursday 17:10-18:40 Szent-Györgyi lecture hall

The lectures will be held on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th weeks.

Practices in the Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology:

9th, 10th and 11thh weeks for groups EM1-8
9th, 10th and 12th weeks for groups EM 9-16
(for groups EM10 and 13 the third practice will be on May 8 instead of Apr. 24)
(8th week is the spring holidays)

Practices in the Department of Anatomy: 2-5th weeks.
details: see below:




Practices in the Skill Center (Ernő street 7)
date time group
Apr. 18. Wednesday 9:30-11:00 EM8
Apr. 19. Thursday 8:00-9:30 EM12
Apr. 19. Thursday 9:45-11:15 EM10
Apr. 19. Thursday 15:35-17:05 EM15
Apr. 20. Friday 13:45-15:15 EM9
Apr. 26. Thursday 8:00-9:30 EM1
Apr. 26. Thursday 9:45-11:15 EM13
Apr. 26. Thursday 15:15-16:45 EM3
Apr. 27. Friday 13:45-15:15 EM5
May 3. Thursday 8:00-9:30 EM14
May 3. Thursday 15:45-17:15 EM16
May 4. Friday 13:45-15:15 EM11
May 8. Tuesday 15:45-17:15 EM6
May 10. Thursday 8:00-9:30 EM2
May 10. Thursday 15:15-16:45 EM4
May 11. Friday 13:45-15:15 EM7




1 Digital image (parameters and properties).Histogram, contrast manipulation. Binary image analysis. Processing of three dimensional information, tomography, projection. Principles of CAT scan. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2018.02.15. 2018_02_15_intro_image_xray_KM.pdf  
2 Ultrasonic imaging. Characteristics of ultrasound. Production and detection of ultrasound. Acustic impedance. Reflection and refraction. A-, B-, TM-images, 3D and 4D imaging. Doppler-method. (Kaposi András) 2018.02.22. 2018-02-22_sonography_KAD.pdf  
3 Imaging in nuclear medicine. Basic principles of nuclear medicine. Radiopharmacons. Instruments (SPECT, PET, hybrid equipments) (Dr. István Szilvási) 2018.03.01. Nuclear_Medicine_Basics_Szoevasi_TEXT_2018.pdf  
4 NMR and MRI. Magnetic properties of the nucleus. Nuclear spin, orientation. Excitation, resonance condition. Relaxation mechanisms (T1, T2). MR imaging. Contrast in MRI. Special techniques (angiography, spectroscopy, diffusion MRI, fMRI) (Kellermayer Miklós) 2018.03.08. 2018_03_08_MRI_KM.pdf  
5 Molecular imaging. Optical techniques. Functional imaging methods. Multimodal techniques. Correlation of functional and morphological information. (Dr. Domokos Máthé) 2018.03.22. 2018_03_22_molecular_imaging_MD.pdf  



One has to write a test in both parts of the subject (anatomy and biophysics). The biophysics test will contain 30 multiple choice questions, with four possibilities of answers, one of them is correct. To pass you have to give 15 correct answers, from 19 points it will be 3, from 23 points 4, from 27 points 5. This is one part of the final grade. The other part is the result of anatomy test. The final grade is the average of this two. If the average is between two grades, the percentages are taken into account.
The test from both anatomy and biophysics part will be in the student laboratory of the Department of Biophysics on May 17 according to the following timetable:
15:00  Groups 3, 4 and 15
16:00  Groups 1, 2, 14 and 16
17:00  Groups 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11
18:00  Groups 10, 12  and 13.