Medical-biophysical aspects of radiological accidents 2023-2024


Általános információk

  • subject code: AOSFIZ1050_1A
  • optional course
  • credit value: 2
  • number of lessons per week: 2, i.e. 90 minutes lecture
  • location: In one of the seminar- and lab rooms of the Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology (AOFIZ-1 – 6, TBA); 37-47. Tűzoltó Street, H-1094 Budapest.
  • schedule: Thursday, 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
  • leader: Dr. Balázs Kiss associate professor (
  • lecture scripts and auxiliary materials:
  • exam: test (Moodle) on the last lecture, own notes are allowed to be used

A tantárgy rövid leírása

Human beings are exposed to ionizing radiation in their natural environment and during many medical diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. A deeper understanding of the risks of radiation exposure is not possible with the knowledge gained in the framework of the lectures and practices of the compulsory subject Biophysics. The aim of the course is to describe the significant radiation accidents that have occurred in the past and to present their medically relevant lessons, which will help to recognize and  better understand the radiation sickness. It also provides guidelines for the prevention of severe radiation damage and emphasizes the importance of dosimetry.

With the successful completion of the course the students will gain up-to-date knowledge in the field of dosimetry, the biological effects of ionizing radiation and the management of radiation sickness. It is a great base for students who later want to work in a radiation-hazardous workplace where a basic or advanced radiation protection qualification is required.



1 Biological risks related to radiation exposure. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.02.15.  
2 Physical and biological dosimetry. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.02.22.  
3 Killer Radiation Therapy: accidents with the Therac-25 Irradiator. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.02.29.  
4 The left-behind irradiator: a disaster in Goiania. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.03.07.  
5 Radiotherapy Overdose. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.03.14.  
6 Accidents caused by orphaned and stolen radiation sources. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.03.21.  
7 Accidents caused by industrial radiographic devices. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.03.28.  
8 Accidents caused by industrial gamma sterilizers. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.04.04.  
9 Radiation accidents during scientific research. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.04.11.  
10 Accidents at nuclear fuel reprocessing plants. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.04.18.  
11 The Chernobyl accident and lessons learned. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.04.25.  
12 The Fukushima Reactor Accident and Lessons Learned. Summary. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.05.02.  
13 Test exam. (Kiss Balázs) 2024.05.09.  



Moodle test on the last lecture. The exam questions are compiled from the presented material in the form of true / false, multiple choice, simple text / illustration, and open-ended questions (completion with a few words). The use of own notes is allowed.


<50%: failed (1)

50% - <60%: satisfactory (2)

60% - <73%: average (3)

73% - <86%: good (4)

86%: very good (5)