Biophysics 1. 2019-2020


Allgemeine Informationen

1st academic year first semester

Lectures: 2 hours/week

Laboratory practices: 4 hours/week

Credit: 5 (for one semester)

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 4591500 ext: 60234)

If one wants to get exemption from the subject based on the previous studies must give the application to the tutor until Sept. 13. The transcript (original or validated copy) and the detailed topic list of the relevant subjects should be attached. If there is a proper overlap between the topics (at least 75%) we check the knowledge of applicants by a written test containing multiple choice questions at the beginning of the second week of the semester.
The attached sample test shows the style of questions. The real test will contain 40 questions.

Lectures:  The participation is strongly suggested. The explanations and mathematical descriptions given on the lectures help to understand the material. Without understanding the preparation to the exam is very difficult and in many cases not successful. According to the rules the participation on the lectures will not be checked.

Laboratory practices.Students have to prepare for the laboratory practices by reading the corresponding chapter of the Laboratory Manual. Based on this one can ask questions for better understanding. One has to make lab. report about the measurements.

The order of laboratory practices can be found here:

The timetable of the Department can be downloaded here

Rules for lab reports :

1.      Every lab report is considered as a written test, where three types of grades can be given: „Accepted” „Correction needed” or „Not accepted” .

2.      The lab. report should be done by filling the excel sheet downloaded from the homepage of the department.

3.      The processing of data can be accepted only if it is based on the data measured by the student.

4.      Only the tasks listed in the homepage are required for a certain measurement.

5.      The teacher will show, what is the mistake or missing part in the lab report. After correction the lab report must be uploaded again

The practical grade is given based on the followings:

- grade of 3 tests during the semester (after each measurement cycle 5 questions written test in 30 minutes). In case of absence it can be done orally at the teacher of the group.

- evaluation of lab. reports. (If one has more than 3 "Not accepted" lab. reports, the signature is denied.)

- quality of work on the laboratory practices.

Missed measurements

Participation in the practical lessons is compulsory. No more than three absences from practices are allowed for any reason, otherwise the semester will not be credited. The missed measurements should be done with another group during the 4 weeks cycle of laboratory practices if possible. (One should ask for the agreement of the teacher of own group and the other group.)

Conditions for signature:

1. At least 50 points in the test in Physical bases of biophysics.
2. Participation on at least 75 % of the practices, (in case of more than 3 absences the signature for the semester is denied.)
3. The practice grade should be at least 2.

In very special cases of more than 3 absences just the head of the Department can make a decision about  the exceptional signature.


The exam statrts with a written test. If the result is below 50 %, the student fail. If the result is between 50 and 60 %, the grade is 2. Above 60 % one can go to the oral exam for a better grade.

Formula collection can be used on the exams. It can be downloaded here:

We call the attention that  we do not give permission to take Biophysics II. without passing Biophysics I.

Kurze Beschreibung des Faches

Biophysics plays a basic role in the education of pharmaceutical students. There are dual role of the subject: on one side it gives general knowledge of natural sciences, on the other side it gives theoretical and practical basis of application of physical principles and methods in pharmaceutical sciences.
In connection to this it helps the development of structured way of thinking. Through this one can find connection to the basic subjects and to the applied pharmaceutical subjects.

Hilfsmittel zum Lehrstoff (Bücher, Skripte, etc.)

Damjanovich-Fidy-Szöllősi (eds): Medical Biophysics (2009)

Medical biophysics practices (Semmelweis Publisher, 2015)


Chapter resonance Fig. 7. correct version:



1 Introduction; (Herényi Levente) 13.09.2019  
2 Geometrical optics; (Herényi Levente) 20.09.2019  
3 Fermat principle; Applications of geometrical optics (Herényi Levente) 27.09.2019  
4 Liquid crystals; biological and artificial membranes (Voszka István) 04.10.2019 folykristeng_2016.pdf  
5 Wave optics; Applications of wave optics; Photon concept (Herényi Levente) 11.10.2019  
6 Radiations; Law of attenuation of intensity of radiation (Herényi Levente) 18.10.2019  
7 Structure of matter; atom, electron (Herényi Levente) 25.10.2019  
8 All Saint's day 01.11.2019  
9 Many atom systems; Boltzmann distribution; Gases; Solids (Herényi Levente) 08.11.2019 boltzmann_e_2019_11_25.pdf  
10 Light emission, scattering, absorption; Thermal radiation (Herényi Levente) 15.11.2019  
11 Structural organization of living systems: water, nucleid acids, proteins (Agócs Gergely) 22.11.2019  
12 Luminescence; Light sources; Lasers (Herényi Levente) 29.11.2019  
13 Radioactive isotopes and radiation (Smeller László) 06.12.2019 GYTK_NuclearRadiations2019_v13.pdf  
14 X-radiation and its interaction with matter. (Orosz Ádám) 13.12.2019 Rontgen_Orosz_EN_2019.pdf  



Everybody should bring ID card to the exam.  In the absence of ID card  the exam can not be started.. We call your attention, that during the midterm tests and exams one can use calculator with max. 2 lines display only.

Consultations in the exam period will be on the following days at 3 p.m. in one of the student laboratories of the Department:
Dec. 16
Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27



Semifinal prctice questions EP 2019 [pdf] 03.07.2024



week Theory   Practice
2     unit conversion
transposition of formulae
3     Microscopy I: 16
further calculations
4     Refractometry: 18
further calculations


6 25, 26    
8 1-7   Problems_Light_Absorption.pdf
9 19, 20   Problems_OpticsOfTheEye.pdf
10 13, 14, 15   Problems_Nuclear_Medicine.pdf
11     further calculations amplifier
12     Dosimetry: 41, 45, 47-51
13 30-36, 39    
14 21, 22, 23    

Problems of the third edition:

From the further calculations the following are important for the semifinal exam:
Microscopy I.: 2.23, 2.28
Refractometer: 2.10, 2.12, 2.14
Light emission: 2.56
Resonance: 11.2, 11.3
Light absorption: 2.77, 2.78, 2.152
Optics of the eye:  4.5, 4.9
Nuclear medicine: 12.1, 12.4, 12.6
Amplifier: 13, 14, 15

From the problems in lab. manual all the problems are important, tha