Physical biology of the living cell 2019-2020


Általános információk

Due to the unfortunate but necessary measures taken in response to the COVID pandemic, we also need to implement changes.
As usual, we will upload a pdf of the slide deck of our lectures here:
In addition to this, Professor Kellermayer will record and share his lectures on video. Dr. Osváth will send out a zoom invite, and the class will take place according to the original schedule



1 Qualitative and quantitative modelling in biology (Osváth Szabolcs) 2020.02.11. OB_MSc_I_1_introduction_2020.pdf  
2 Structural hierarchy of proteins (Smeller László) 2020.02.18. AFeherjekHierarchikusSzerkezete_EN_ver14.pdf  
3 Stability of biological structures (Smeller László) 2020.02.25. BiologiaiSzerkezetekStabilitasa_EN_ver17.pdf  
4 Formation of biological structures (Osváth Szabolcs) 2020.03.03. OB_MSc_I_4.pdf  
5 Experimental methods to study biological structures - I (Smeller László) 2020.03.10. IR_CD_Spektroszkopia_EN_2020_v13.pdf  
6 Experimental methods to study biological structures - II (Kellermayer Miklós) 2020.03.24. 2020_03_24_lumin_laser_KM.pdf  
7 Microscopy studies of intracellular structures (Kellermayer Miklós) 2020.03.31. 2020_04_01_microscopy_KM.pdf  
8 Super-resolution microscopy (Osváth Szabolcs) 2020.04.14. OB_MSc_I_8_superresolution_2020.pdf  
9 Dynamic intracellular protein structures (Kellermayer Miklós) 2020.04.21. 08_Dynamic_protein_systems_of_the_cell_20200421.pdf  
10 Single molecule biological activity (Kellermayer Miklós) 2020.04.28. 09_Single-molecule_activity_20200428.pdf  
11 Visit to the research laboratories of the Dept. of Biophysics and Radiation biology of the Semmelweis University (Osváth Szabolcs) 2020.05.05.  
12 Problem solving and consultation (Osváth Szabolcs) 2020.05.12. OB_MSc_I_12_problem_solving.pdf