Physical bases of dental material science 2014-2015


Általános információk

Compulsory subject.

1st year, 1st semester.

2 hours lecture/week (Monday 10:25-12:05, Békésy lecture hall)

2 credits

Lecturer: Dr. Károly Módos

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60211)


A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Physical Bases of Dental Material Science (e-book)

(Requires Adobe Reader X or higher to use every possibilities)



1 Basic forms of material, atoms, interactions, bonds () 2014.09.08. FAFA14_1en.pdf  
2 Multiatomic systems. Gases. Interpretation of temperature. Boltzmann-distribution. Fluids. Interface phenomena. Liquid crystals. () 2014.09.15. FAFA14-2.pdf  
3 Solid materials () 2014.09.22. FAFA14-3.pdf  
4 Crystallisation. Metals, alloys. () 2014.09.29. FAFA14-4en.pdf  
5 Ceramics, polymers, composites () 2014.10.06. FAFA14-5.pdf  
6 Methods for structure examination (diffraction, microscopic, spectroscopic methods) (Mártonfalvi Zsolt) 2014.10.13. FAFA14_6_EN.pdf  
7 Mechanical properties of materials 1. Elasticity (Mártonfalvi Zsolt) 2014.10.19. FAFA14_7_EN.pdf  
8 Mechanical properties of materials 2. Plasticity, hardness. () 2014.10.27. FAFA14_8EN.pdf  
9 Mechanical properties of materials 3. Rheological properties, viscoelasticity. () 2014.11.03. FAFA2014_9EN.pdf  
10 Other physical (optical, electrical, thermal) properties of materials () 2014.11.10. FAFA2014_10EN.pdf  
11 Comparison of the properties of dental materials () 2014.11.17. FAFA2014_11EN.pdf  
12 Bases of biomechanics. Structure, mechanical and other properties of tissues. (Mártonfalvi Zsolt) 2014.11.24. FAFA_MZs14_12.pdf  
13 Physical bases of implantology. (Guest lecturer: Dr. Attila Szűcs) () 2014.12.01. FAFA2014_13_EN.pdf  
14 Physical bases of orthodontics. (Guest lecturer: Bálint Nemes) () 2014.12.08. FAFA14_14EN.pdf  



Consultations in the exam period will be on the following days at 2 p.m.:

Dec. 17, Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28.



example [pdf] 2024.07.03.
exam topic list 2014 [pdf] 2024.07.03.