Medical physics and statistics 2009-2010


Általános információk

1st academic year first and second semester

Lectures: 2.5 hours/week

Laboratory practices: 3.5 hours/week

Credit: 5 (for one semester)

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 4591500 ext: 60211)

A tantárgy rövid leírása

Participation in the practical lessons is compulsory. No more than three absences from practices are allowed for any reason, otherwise the semester will not be credited. Missed sessions must be reported to the teacher the week after.
Students must write a lab. report for each measurement. The registration card is signed only when the report is acceptable. The report is due two weeks after the measurement. At the final exam time all students must show their collection of reports to the examiner.
Assessing the students knowledge
Midterm test covering the material of lectures and practical lessons: twice a semester (6., 11. week) Repetition of unsuccessful test: 8., 13. week. For credit one must pass both midterm tests.
Short tests: possible every week (up to the teacher).
Semifinal exam: after the first semester
written exam covering the material of lectures and practical lessons in the first semester and including problem solving. Its form is similar to the final exam.
Final exam: after the second semester
written exam covering the material of lectures and practical lessons in both semesters. Also includes problem solving.
Repetition of exam is possible at least one week after the unsuccessful trial. If a student does not appear at exam time without prior notification to the Institute, one exam possibility will be lost.
At the end of the second semester we organize a competition. The condition for participation: the average result of midterm tests is at least 3.0. (Instead of the midterm tests in the first semester the result of the semifinal exam can be taken into account.)

A tantárgy feladata az orvosképzés céljainak megvalósításában

Our teaching program is evolving continuously. Focused on the general objective of meeting the requirements of the medical curriculum, the courses are also intended to provide specific medical physics and statistics training.
Todays students will be the physicians of the oncoming decades. In selecting and highlighting topics of study, the first viewpoint is scientific foresight: the knowledge should be conveyed which must be pertinent to ensure first-class professional competence while keeping abreast of the most recent development in the field of study. Our aim is not only the teaching of a specific body of knowledge but also the development of the exact scientific method and concrete problem-solving abilities.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Damjanovich-Fidy-Szöllősi (eds): Medical Biophysics (2009)

Laboratory Manual of Medical Physics and Statistics (2006)



1 Structural organization of biomolecules. Bonds, bond strength, Boltzmann distribution,water, macromolecules, biopolymers. 2010.02.02. Bonds_Water_MoleculesR.pdf  
2 Condensed matter. Metals, semiconductors, insulators, electronic properties. 2010.02.09. Condensed-Matter.pdf  
3 Liquid crystals, lipids. Lyotropic and thermotropic liquid crystals, liposomes, membranes, medical applications. 2010.02.16. folykristeng.pdf  
4 Biostatistics I. Basics of biostatistics. Most important distribution functions. 2010.02.23. statistics1.pdf  
5 Biostatistics II. Hypothesis testing. 2010.03.02. stat2.pdf  
6 Ultrasound. Properties, generation, ultrasonography, Doppler methods. 2010.03.09. Ultrasound_KM100309R.pdf  
7 Magnetic resonance imaging. NMR basics, relaxation times, contrast generation, MRI operation modes. 2010.03.16. MRI_EN_100316R.pdf  
8 Equilibrium thermodynamics. Thermodynamic system, eqilibrium, laws of thermodynamics, statistical interpretation of entropy. 2010.03.23. 20100323_Folding_Thermodynamics4.pdf  
9 Transport phenomena. General description of transport phenomena, Onsager`s equation, examples: charge transport (electric current), volume transport (flow of fluids). 2010.04.06. Irrev_Thermodyn_100406R4.pdf  
10 Diffusion, osmosis. Fick laws, Brown movement, osmosis 2010.04.13. flow100413.pdf  
11 Blood circulation, cardiac function. Fluid dynamics, circulatory system, cardiac cycle, work of the heart. 2010.04.20. heart.pdf  
12 Bioelectric processes. Membrane structure, resting potential, action potential. 2010.04.27. actionpotential.pdf   restingpotencial.pdf  
13 Sensory function. Vision and hearing. Sensory receptors, receptor potential. Optics of the eye. Color vision. Structure and function of the inner ear. Theories of hearing. 2010.05.04. sensorKM100504.pdf  
14 Biophysics of motion. Muscle structure, function and regulation. Motor proteins and the cytoskeleton. 2010.05.11. Muscle_Cytoskel_100511RR.pdf  



We call your attention, that during the midterm tests and exams one can use calculator with max. 2 lines display only.

Subject list

The examination period after the second semester is between May 17 and June 30. (for the Faculty of Pharmacy until June 25) In this time period the following days can be chosen for the final exam for medical physics and statistics:

May 17, 26, 31 June 7, 14, 21, for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry also June 28.

Registration should be done on the NEPTUN system.
(The exam days in august will be announced in the second half of June.)
The exams start at 8 a.m., usually in the Szent-Györgyi lecture hall.

Form of the exam:
Written test containing altogether 10 definitions, formula interpretations, calculations, evaluations of data from measurement. Its duration is one hour. One has to achieve at least 50 % of the possible points in order to pass. The result (whether one passed or failed) will be announced one hour later (at about 10 a.m.). Those persons, who failed, can repeat the exam a week later. Those students, whose test result is between 50 and 60 %, get 2 and they do not have the possibility to sit for the oral part and get better grade. Students, who achieved more, than 60 % in the written test can accept grade 2, or can sit for an oral exam for a better mark immediately after the announcement of test results. On the oral exam one has to take a sheet containing 4 theoretical questions, one of which can be a figure or graph. Those students, who achieve at least 50 % of the posssible points on the competition will start the exam with the oral part. They have to arrive until 8.30 to the students’ laboratories on the 1st floor.

Students have to register for the exam using the Neptun system. Change of exam date is possible until 8 a.m. two days before the exam. After this time if the change is unavoidable one has to contact Dr. Voszka (ext. no: 60211. e-mail: .

Sitting for a semifinal exam left from the first semester is possible on May 17 and 26. One can register on the Neptun system, too.

Additional subject list

Consultations in the exam period will be on the following days (at 2 p.m. in each case): May 14, 21, 28 June 4, 11, 18, 25 Aug. 27.



Competition test 2009

Results of competition
name group teacher points
Lior Schnitzer EM12 Kovács 148 I. place
Tran Van Huyen EP3 Blaskó 134 II. place

result of final is at least 4:
Roojgol Ghassemi ED2 Galántai 128
Ehud Marom EM8 Mártonfalvi 127
Andrea Fekete EM4 Csík 120

Exemption from written test:
Tal Livne EM8 Mártonfalvi 117
Yoshiaki Ikeda EM5 Módos 116
Carmen Law EM7 Szigeti 115
Ida Akkila Forsberg EM5 Módos 115
Andreas Polycarpou EM10 Derka 114
Joannah Selvakumar EM12 Kovács 113
Gesztes William EM4 Csík 109
Aya Cohen EM3 Fidy 107
Cagla Ulpinar EM14 Blaskó 106
Gillian Mahon EM8 Mártonfalvi 106
Isabel Kenny EM6 Osváth 104
Fadi Khalil Hanna EM6 Osváth 103
Esther Petterson EM10 Derka 101
Lars G. Brynildsen EM2 Voszka 100
Mahima Charan EM2 Voszka 100
Stine Kvinsland EM7 Szigeti 100
Glorvigen Ingrid EM4 Csík 100
Faqiri Mirwais EM4 Csík 100
Miro Nikolov ED3 Módos 100
Naomi Shiran EM12 Kovács 100
Liu Fei Chih EM8 Mártonfalvi 100




Formula collection