Biostatistics and informatics 2015-2016


Általános információk

Compulsory subject 1st year 1st semester

1 hour lecture/week + 2 hours practice/week (by computer)

credit: 3

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60211)

If one wants to get exemption from the subject based on the previous studies must give the application to the tutor until Sept. 11. The transcript (original or validated copy) and the detailed topic list of the relevant subjects should be attached. If there is a proper overlap between the topics (at least 75%) we check the knowledge of applicants by a written test containing multiple choice questions at the beginning of the second week of the semester.
The attached sample test shows the style of questions.

The test writing for the exemption will be on September 14 (Monday) at 6:30 p.m. in the student laboratory of the department. One can participate only after registration. Registration is possible until Sep. 11 (Friday) 4 p.m. at Dr. Voszka.

Condition for signature: participation on at least 75 % of the practices, the result of both midterm tests should be at least 2.

The midterm tests will be during the practice on the 6th and 12th weeks.

After the semester there is semifinal exam (written test)

We give possibility to practice statistics by excel on Wednesdays  between 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on Thursdays between 6:15 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. in the students laboratory of the department.

A tantárgy rövid leírása

The medically relevant elements of biomathematics, information theory, biostatistics and bioinformatics are discussed within the subject. During the practices done by computers the statistical tests, biological and medical databases are shown.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Homepage of the department.

Laboratory Manual of medical Physics and Statistics (Chapter 2a and 2b)

Budapest, 2009. ISBN 963 9129 60 7

Suggested literature: D.G. Rees, Essential Statistics, Chapman & Hall, London, 2001.




1 Purpose of statistics in the curriculum of medical school; Role of „change” in theory and in practice (Agócs Gergely) 2015.09.07. Statistics_Lecture_01_EN_2015.pdf  
2 Deterministic and stochastic laws; Descriptive statistics I. (Agócs Gergely) 2015.09.14. Statistics_Lecture_02_EN_2015.pdf  
3 Elements of probability calculus; Descriptive statistics II. (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2015.09.21. Statistics_lecture_3_EN_2015.pdf  
4 Frequently used distributions; Probability calculus and statistics (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2015.09.28. 2015-09-28_Statistics_lecture_4_EN_VDS.pdf  
5 Statistical estimation () 2015.10.05. statEN5_2015.pdf  
6 General principles of hypothesis testing () 2015.10.12. statEN6_2015.pdf  
7 Statistical tests () 2015.10.19. StatEN7_2015.pdf  
8 Parametric and non-parametric tests for comparison of two groups () 2015.10.26. StatEN8_2015.pdf  
9 Comparison of more groups, analysis of variance () 2015.11.02. StatEN9_2015.pdf  
10 Linear regression, corelation. () 2015.11.09. Correlation-regression.pdf  
11 Examination of dependence relations of variables; Analysis of frequencies () 2015.11.16. Chi-square.pdf  
12 Evaluation of diagnostic tests (Kaposi András) 2015.11.23. 2015-11-23_diagn_e_KAD.pdf   ROC_eng.xls  
13 Concept of information, databases, clinical databases (Schay Gusztáv) 2015.11.30. 2015-11-30_Information_and_databases_SG.pdf  
14 Evidence based medicine, role of mathematical logics in diagnostics (Kellermayer Miklós) 2015.12.07. 2015-12-07_Diagnostic_Logic4_KM.pdf  



1. Statistics exams begin at 2:00 pm. Place: Basic Medical Science Center ("EOK" in Tűzoltó utca 37–47.), first floor, corridor "B" (the labs where you had you statistics and biophysics practices as well). Please arrive at 1:45 pm and wait in front of the corridor so we can begin the exam on time. Please keep in mind, that you may only leave the room if you finish your exam.

2. Examinees will be informed about the room where they will write the exam on the spot. When your examiner calls, follow him/her to the room.

3. For the exam, we ask you to bring your "TANULMÁNYI ÉRTESÍTŐ" (blue report booklet) and a personal identification document with photograph (e.g. personal identity card, passport, driving licence). Everything else (coats, bags, food, drink, etc.) should be put in the locker. Cell phones should be switched off and put on the teacher's desk.

4. Examinees – after checking proof of identity – take place according to the instructions of the examiner.

5. Examinees download and – when the exam is over – upload the exam file according to the instructions of the examiner.

6. The exam file consists of calculation tasks and multiple choice questions (MCQs). An MCQ has only one correct answer option. Incorrect MCQ solutions receive negative marking. Unanswered questions receive zero marking.

7. The time available for completing the exam is 75 minutes. You may only leave the room if you finish your exam.

8. During the exam you may only use the computer and the (paper or electronic) formula collection provided by us.

9. Exam files are corrected right after the exam. After the exams are corrected, results are announced on the spot. Then, you may look at your corrected exam as well. You have to reach at least 50% to pass the exam.

10. During the exam, using anything not provided by us; talking; and even the mere possession of cell phones or other electronic devices is strictly prohibited. Infringement of these rules as well as any other means of cheating will automatically result in 
(i) immediate exclusion from the exam, 
(ii) an "unsatisfactory" (1) grade, 
(iii) and initiation of a disciplinary procedure.

Consultations during the Exam Period

Statistics consultations before the exams: Dec. 11 at 2 pm.

During the exam period, on the following days at 4 pm:

Dec. 18, 23, 30, Jan. 8, 15, 22