Medical biophysics 1. 2021-2022


Általános információk

Compulsory subject 1st year 1st semester

1.5 hours lecture/week + 2.5 hours practice/week

Lecture: Wednesday 8:00-9:10 Szent-Györgyi lecture hall

credit: 4

Departmental Curricular Offical: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60234)

To see details click on the links:


If one wants to get an exemption from the subject based on the previous studies must give the application to the tutor until Sept. 10. The transcript (original or validated copy) and the detailed topic list of the relevant subjects should be attached. If there is a proper overlap between the topics (at least 75%) we check the knowledge of applicants by a written test containing multiple choice questions at the beginning of the second week of the semester.
The attached sample test shows the style of questions. The real test will contain 40 questions.

Biophysics Sample Test

Laboratory practices

Students have to prepare for the laboratory practices by reading the corresponding chapter of the Laboratory Manual

The form for the lab report that can be used in case of error in the network can be downloaded here:

Lab Report

The schedule of laboratory practices can be found here:

Rules for lab reports :

1.      Every lab report is considered as a written test, where three types of grades can be given: „Accepted” „Correction needed” or „Not accepted” .

2.      The lab. report should be done by filling the excel sheet downloaded from the homepage of the department.

3.      The processing of data can be accepted only if it is based on the data measured by the student.

4.      Only the tasks listed in the homepage are required for a certain measurement. The lab report must be uploaded during the lab.

5.      The teacher will show, what is the mistake or missing part in the lab report.

Missed measurements

Participation in the practical lessons is compulsory. No more than three absences from practices are allowed for any reason, otherwise the semester will not be credited. The missed measurements should be done with another group during the 4 weeks cycle of laboratory practices if possible. (One should ask for the agreement of the teacher of own group and the other group.)

The timetable of the Department can be downloaded here:

Students must write a lab. report for each measurement in excel. The file to be filled can be downloaded from the homepage of the Department. The students should prepare for the measurement by reading the related chapter of the laboratory manual.

In case if one has more than three “Not accepted” lab reports the signature for the semester is denied.

Conditions for signature

1. At least 50 points in the test in Mathematical and physical bases of medical biophysics.
2. Participation on at least 75 % of the practices, (in case of more than 3 absences the signature for the semester is denied.)
3. Acceptance of the lab. reports. If one has more than 3 „not accepted” lab. reports, the signature is denied. The lab reports must be uploaded to the website at the end of the practice.

In very special cases of more than 3 absences, just the head of the Department can make a decision about the exceptional signature.


The exam is oral. The students get questions generated randomly both from laboratory practices and theory.

Formula collection can be used on the exams. It can be downloaded here: Formula Collection

We call the attention that we do not give permission to take Medical biophysics II. without passing Medical biophysics I.


A tantárgy feladata az orvosképzés céljainak megvalósításában

Our teaching program is evolving continuously. Focused on the general objective of meeting the requirements of the medical curriculum, the courses are also intended to provide specific medical biophysics training.
Today's students will be the physicians of the oncoming decades. In selecting and highlighting topics of study, the first viewpoint is scientific foresight: the knowledge should be conveyed which must be pertinent to ensure first-class professional competence while keeping abreast of the most recent development in the field of study. Our aim is not only the teaching of a specific body of knowledge but also the development of the exact scientific method and concrete problem-solving abilities.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Damjanovich-Fidy-Szöllősi (eds): Medical Biophysics (2009)

Medical biophysics practices (Semmelweis Publisher, 2015)

Formula Collection

Chapter Resonance Fig. 7. correct version: Resonance Fig. 7



1 Introduction. Radiations in medicine. Quantities and laws for characterization of common properties of radiations. (Help to measurements „Light absorption”, „Gamma absorption” and „X-ray”.) II/1. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2021.09.08. Introduction_20210908.pdf  
2 Phenomena related to light and geometrical optics. Fermat principle. Light reflection and refraction on planar and curved surfaces, medical optical devices, geometrical optics of the human eye. (Help to lab measurements „Microscopy I.”, „Refractometry” and „Optics of the eye”.) II/2.1.1., II/2.1.2, VIII/2.1. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2021.09.15. 02_Geometric_optics_20210915.pdf  
3 Wave optics as a model. Huygens–Fresnel-principle. the most simple experiment for light interference and its consequences. Resolving power. Light polarization. Color mixing, color vision. (Help to measurements „Microscopy I. and II.”,“Light emission”, „Polarmetry” and „Optics of the eye”.) II/2.1.3. - II/2.1.8. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2021.09.22. 03_Wave_Optics_20210922.pdf  
4 Light as electromagnetic wave and as particle. How these two completely different properties can be proven? . (Help to measurements „Microscopy I. and II.”, „Polarimetry” and „Light emission”. II/2.1.3. - II/2.1.7. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2021.09.29. 04_Light_Wave_Particle_20210929.pdf  
5 Structure of matter, matter wave, atomic and molecular interactions. Atomic force microscopy. (Help to measurement „Resonance”.) (I/1, I/2, X/2) (Kiss Balázs) 2021.10.06. struct_AFM_20211006.pdf  
6 Boltzmann distribution, examples. Structural categories of many-particle materials: gas-, liquid-, solid (crystalline)-state of matter, general characteristics. Liquid crystalline (mesomorphous) materials. (Help to measurements „Nuclear medicine” and “Dosimetry”.) (I/3.1, I/3.3.1, I/3.3.5, I/3.4) (Kellermayer Miklós) 2021.10.13. 06_Boltzmann_Gases_20211013.pdf  
7 Electronic states in (crystalline) solid materials. Insulators, conductors, semi-conductors. Electric, thermal and optical properties, electro-optical applications. (Help to measurements „Nuclear medicine” and “Dosimetry”.) (I/3.2, I/3.3.2, I/3.3.3, I/3.3.4, VII/1.3) (Balog Erika) 2021.10.20. 07_Gases_Solids_Liquids_honlap20211020.pdf  
8 Interactions of light with matter. Light scattering, light absorption. Basic principles of absorption spectrometry. (Help to measurement „Light absorption”.) (II/2.3.1, II/2.3.2, VI/3.1, VI/3.4) (Kellermayer Miklós) 2021.10.27. 08_Scatter_Absorption_20211027.pdf  
9 Laws of thermal radiation and luminescence. Examples for application of them. (Help to measurement „Light emission”. (II/2.2.1-II/2.2.4, II/2.2.6, VI/3.3, VIII/2.2,)

Lecture video
(Mártonfalvi Zsolt)
2021.11.03. 09_Thermal_Radiation__Luminescence20211103.pdf  
10 Fundamentals of light amplification. Laser oscillator and its conditions. Properties and medical applications of laser radiation (Help to measurement „Light emission”.) (II/2.2.5, II/2.2.7, II/2.2.8, IX/1) (Kellermayer Miklós) 2021.11.10. 10_Laser_20211110.pdf  
11 Atomic nucleus, radioactivity, nuclear radiations. Interactions of nuclear radiations with matter. Radioactive isotopes, the physical basis of radioisotope tracing. (Help to measurements „Nuclear medicine” and “Isotope diagnostics”.) (II/3.2.1, II/3.2.2, II/3.2.3) (Smeller László) 2021.11.17. NucleusNuclearRadiations_2021_v15.pdf  
12 Nuclear measurement techniques. Dosimetry, radiation protection. (Help to measurements „Nuclear medicine” and “Dosimetry”.) (II/4.1, II/4.2, II/4.3) (Smeller László) 2021.11.24. Detection_Dosimetry_2021_ver12.pdf  
13 Main problems of nuclear medicine. Radioactive radiations in medical practice. Diagnostic and therapeutic applications of ionizing radiations. Gamma camera. (Help to measurements „Nuclear medicine” and “Isotope diagnostics”.) (II/3.2.5, VIII/3.2, VIII/4.4) (Voszka István) 2021.12.01. izotop_AOK_eng_2021_4.pdf  
14 Signal processing. Classification of signals. Fourier decomposition. Signal conversion and selection. Amplifier, feedback, transfer characteristics. (Help to measurements “Nuclear medicine”, „Amplifier”, “Pulse generator”, “Skin impedance”, “Coulter counter”, “Audiometry”, “ECG” and “Flow”.) (VII/1.1, VII/1.2.3, VII/1.4, VII/1.5) (Kaposi András) 2021.12.08. 2021-12-08_signal_processing_KAD.pdf  



Everybody should prepare an ID card to the exam. In the absence of ID card the exam can not be started. We call your attention, that during the exams calculator with max. 2 lines display only.

We call your attention, that there is no possibility to increase the number of exam days or places during the exam period, since we teach students on 3 faculties and 3 languages.

Semifinal exam topic list 2021 can be downloaded here

Consultations in the exam period will be on the following days at 3 p.m. online via zoom (the actual zoom link will be on the homepage a few days before the consultation):
December 13, 20, 27
January 3, 10, 17, 24

On Jan. 24. one can join to the consultation via the following link:

Requests for the exam outside exam period should be sent to Dr. István Voszka




At the end of second semester we organize competition (see later)




Házi feladat példák

Házi feladat példák

week Problems related to Lectures Problems related to Practices
1    unit conversion
 transposition of formulae

 Microscopy I: 16
 Microscopy I further calculations

Refractometry: 18
 Refractometry further calculations

3 25, 26
4 8, 9, 54, 55
5 1-7

Optics Of The Eye

Light Emission


Light Absorption

Nuclear Medicine

Microscopy II

8   further calculations amplifier
9 19, 20
10 13, 14. 15
11 30-36, 39 Dosimetry: 41, 45, 47-51
12 42, 43, 44
13 37
14 Further calculations  

Problems of the third edition: