Biostatistics and informatics 2012-2013


Általános információk

Compulsory subject 1st year 1st semester

1 hour lecture/week + 2 hours practice/week (by computer)

credit: 3

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60211)

Condition for signature: participation on at least 75 % of the practices, the result of both midterm tests should be at least 2.

After the semester there is semifinal exam (written test)

A tantárgy rövid leírása

The medically relevant elements of biomathematics, information theory, biostatistics and bioinformatics are discussed within the subject. During the practices done by computers the statistical tests, biological and medical databases are shown.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Homepage of the department.

Laboratory Manual of medical Physics and Statistics (Chapter 2a and 2b)

Budapest, 2009. ISBN 963 9129 60 7

Suggested literature: D.G. Rees, Essential Statistics, Chapman & Hall, London, 2001.

We give possibility to practice statistics by excel on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 6:15 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. in the students laboratory of the department. (first time: Sept. 18)



1 Introduction (Kellermayer Miklós) 2012.09.13. Introduction_KM120913.pdf  
2 Role of „change” in theory and in practice (Herényi Levente) 2012.09.20. stat_e_01_12b.pdf  
3 Descriptive statistics (Herényi Levente) 2012.09.27. stat_e_02_12igazi.pdf  
4 Elements of probability calculus (Herényi Levente) 2012.10.04. stat_03_e_2012.pdf  
5 Probability calculus and statistics () 2012.10.11. probability_and_statistics2012.pdf  
6 Principles of hypothesis testing () 2012.10.18. Hypothesis_test_1_2012.pdf  
7 Parametric tests for comparison of two groups () 2012.10.25. Hypothesis_test_2.pdf  
8 Non-parametric tests for comparison of two groups () 2012.11.08. Hypothesis_test_3.pdf  
9 Comparison of more groups, analysis of variance () 2012.11.15. Hypothesis_test_4.pdf  
10 Examination of dependence relations of variables () 2012.11.22. Correlation-regression.pdf  
11 Evaluation of diagnostic tests (Kellermayer Miklós) 2012.11.29. Diagnostics_KM121129.pdf  
12 Concept of information, databases, clinical databases (Schay Gusztáv) 2012.12.06. Information_and_databases_schayG4_2012_1.pdf  
13 Evidence based medicine, role of mathematical logics in diagnostics (Kellermayer Miklós) 2012.12.13. Diagnostic_Logic4_KM121213.pdf  




   The examination period after the first semester is between Dec. 15 and Jan. 28. Only for retake: Jan 29 – Febr. 1.In this time period the following days can be chosen for the exam for biostatistics and informatics:

Dec. 17, 28, Jan. 7, 14, 21 and 28

Registration should be done on the NEPTUN system.

The exams start at 2 p.m., in the student’s laboratories of the department.

Form of the exam:

The  semifinal exam is written test done on the computer. It contains multiple choice questions and calculations in Excel.

Students have to register for the exam using the Neptun system. Change of exam date is possible until 8 a.m. two days before the exam. After  this time if the change is unavoidable one has to contact Dr. Voszka (ext. no: 60211. e-mail:


Necessary to know how to do it in excel for the semifinal exam:

Elements of descriptive statistics: calculation of average, median, mode, standard deviation, standard error, element number, maximum, minimum, spread, given quantile, skewness, kurtosis, confidence interval

Frequency distribution: absolute, relative
Preparation of cumulative distribution function and probability density function

One-sample t-test
Paired t-test
Two-samples t-test (with F-test)
Wilcoxon’s signed rank test
Chi-square test (homogeneity, independence)
Chi-square test (goodness-of-fit test in case of simple distributions, e. g. is the dice loaded?)
Linear regression, slope, intercept
(Pearson) correlation coefficient, correlation t-test

Calculation of probability (e.g. type I. error) from t, chi-square, z-values
Calculation of t, chi-square, z-values from the probability
Calculation of the value of normal distribution at a given x-value

Evaluation of diagnostic tests (not an excel function)

Diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, etc. in case of different prevalences.

 The registration books (index books) of the students will be signed during the exam by the examiner. (Condition: both midterm tests are passed and the number of absences is not more than 3)

Exams start at 2 p.m.. at students laboratories. Sitting for an exam is possible only with registration book..

We organize consultations in the exam period on the following days at 4 p.m.:  Dec. 14, 27, Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25