Physical biology of the living cell II. 2023-2024


Általános információk

Physical Biology of the Living Cell - II. semester


Dr. Miklós Kellermayer, Dr. Tamás Hegedűs,

Dr. György Ferenczy, Dr. Szabolcs Osváth


Tuesdays from 12:15 p.m. to 2:00 pm.

Room: ITK 134

At the end of the semester students will have to pass a written exam



1 The second law of thermodynamics in small systems, Evans-Searles fluctuation theorem (Osváth Szabolcs) 2023.09.12. Evans_Searles_2023.pdf  
2 Diffusion, polymerization, reptation (Osváth Szabolcs) 2023.09.19. Diffusion_2023.pdf  
3 Motor proteins, out of equilibrium processes (Kellermayer Miklós) 2023.09.26. 2_Polymerization_Motorprot_IrrevProc_20230926.pdf  
4 Crooks fluctuation theorem (Osváth Szabolcs) 2023.10.03. Evans_Searles_Crooks_Jarzynski_2023.pdf  
5 Jarzinski equality (Osváth Szabolcs) 2023.10.10. Biol_motors_2023.pdf  
6 Thermodynamics of molecular motors (Osváth Szabolcs) 2023.10.17. Revision_-_Evans_Searles_Crooks_Jarzynski_2023.pdf  
7 Protein structure prediction, use of structural databases (Hegedűs Tamás) 2023.10.24. hegedus_PPKE_2023_www.pdf  
8 Modeling protein folding and conformational changes (Hegedűs Tamás) 2023.10.31.  
9 Protein - protein interactions and protein networks (Hegedűs Tamás) 2023.11.07.  
10 Thermodynamic characterization of protein - protein and protein-ligand interactions (Ferenczy György) 2023.11.14. Pazmany_Ferenczy_2023_1.pdf  
11 Computer modeling of protein - ligand binding I. Calculating thermodynamic quantities (Ferenczy György) 2023.11.21. Pazmany_Ferenczy_2023_2.pdf  
12 Computer modeling of protein - ligand binding II. Estimating thermodynamic quantities using approximations (Ferenczy György) 2023.11.28. Pazmany_Ferenczy_2023_3.pdf  
13 Problem solving and consultation (Osváth Szabolcs) 2023.12.05.