Medical statistics, informatics and telemedicine 2021-2022


Általános információk

3rd year 1 semester

Lecture 1 hour/week
Practice 1 hour/week

Conditions for signature: Participation on at least 75 % of the practices, (in case of more than 3 absences the signature for the semester is denied.)

Semifinal exam: Written test. On the basis of the test the grade can be between 1 and 4.  Those, who achieve 4 can continue with additional, this time calculation questions for the grade 5, but in this case the grade 4 is aready guaranteed.

Requirements can be downloaded here

Actual information on the moodle:
Moodle link

ATTENTION! The lectures, exercises, exam tabs are not updated regularly, not all study materials, extra materials, etc. are available in this page! Please use the Moodle instead!

A tantárgy rövid leírása

In recent years, medicine relies more intensively on statistics, as well as on the use and interactive management of databases. Our aim is to introduce students to the fundamentals of data analysis and decision support methods that are most common in medical practice.

The subject focuses on the presentation of basic principles and concepts. We focus on logical thinking rather than computational techniques. The aim of the exercises is to deepen the knowledge conveyed in the lectures in a problem-oriented way and to apply it realistically. The calculation tasks that occasionally occur in the exercises are performed using simple, easy-to-use software on specified databases. During the internships, students have to acquire knowledge on making basic descriptive figures and tables, as well as interpret scientific publications results.



1 Principles of quantitative medicine. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2021.09.10. Intro_Med_Statistics_20210910_1.pdf  
2 Base concept of descriptive statistics. (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2021.09.17. descriptive_stat_20210917_slides.pdf  
3 Event, probability, distribution. (Schay Gusztáv) 2021.09.24. esemeny_valoszinuseg_eloszlas_schg_EN.pdf  
4 Estimations. (Agócs Gergely) 2021.10.01. Stat21_04_EN_presentation.pdf  
5 Hypothesis testing in medical practice. (Agócs Gergely) 2021.10.08. Stat21_05_EN_presentation.pdf  
6 T-tests, chi-square tests. Multiple comparisons. (Schay Gusztáv) 2021.10.15. t_chi2_tobbszoros_EN.pdf  
7 Correlation. Linear regression. (Agócs Gergely) 2021.10.22. Stat21_07_EN.pdf  
8 Argumentations. Biases. (Agócs Gergely) 2021.10.29. stat_21EN_08.pdf  
9 Confounding and multiple linear regression. (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2021.11.05. conf_mlinreg_jegyzetekkel.pdf  
10 Evaluation of diagnostic tests. (Kaposi András) 2021.11.12. 2021-11-12_Evaluation_of_diagnostic_tests_KAD.pdf   ROC_eng.xlsx  
11 Base statistical concepts in epidemiology. Epidemiological measures. ROC curves. Likelihood-ratios. (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2021.11.19. lecture11_epid_roc_LR.pdf  
12 Dialogue with statistician. Survey. 3 is enough? "Nice" datatables. "Not too bad" survey. (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2021.11.26. ea12_kerdoiv_statisztikussal_vds_eng_v4.pdf  
13 Bayesian methods. (Schay Gusztáv) 2021.12.03. Bayes_EN.pdf  
14 Information theory, databases, expert systems. (Schay Gusztáv) 2021.12.10. informacioelmelet_adatbazis_schg_EN.pdf  



We organize consultations in the exam period.
Please register in the moodle if you willing to come.