Biophysics 1. 2015-2016


Általános információk

1st academic year first semester

Lectures: 2 hours/week

Laboratory practices: 4 hours/week

Credit: 5 (for one semester)

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 4591500 ext: 60211)

If one wants to get exemption from the subject based on the previous studies must give the application to the tutor until Sept. 11. The transcript (original or validated copy) and the detailed topic list of the relevant subjects should be attached. If there is a proper overlap between the topics (at least 75%) we check the knowledge of applicants by a written test containing multiple choice questions at the beginning of the second week of the semester.
The attached sample test shows the style of questions. The real test will contain 40 questions.

We call the attention that in contrast to the previous years we do not give permission to take Biophysics II. without passing Biophysics I.

A tantárgy rövid leírása

Participation in the practical lessons is compulsory. No more than three absences from practices are allowed for any reason, otherwise the semester will not be credited. Missed sessions must be reported to the teacher the week after. The missed measurements should be done with another group if possible.
The algorithm for it can be seen here:
Students must write a lab. report for each measurement. The registration card is signed only when the report is acceptable. The report is due two weeks after the measurement. At the final exam time all students must show their collection of reports to the examiner.The lab reports should be ready within one week after the measurement.

The form for the lab report can be downloaded here:

The tasks for the acceptance of lab reports are listed here:

The order of laboratory practices can be found here:

Assessing the students knowledge
Midterm test covering the material of lectures and practical lessons: twice a semester (6., 11. week) Repetition of unsuccessful test: 8., 13. week. For credit one must pass both midterm tests.
Short tests: possible every week (up to the teacher).
Semifinal exam: after the first semester
written exam covering the material of lectures and practical lessons in the first semester and including problem solving. If the result of written test is good enough one can sit for the oral and improve mark. Its form is similar to the final exam.
Final exam: after the second semester
written exam covering the material of lectures and practical lessons in both semesters. Also includes problem solving. If the result of written test is good enough one can sit for the oral and improve mark.
Repetition of exam is possible at least one week after the unsuccessful trial. If a student does not appear at exam time without prior notification to the Institute, one exam possibility will be lost.
At the end of the second semester we organize a competition. The condition for participation: the average result of midterm tests is at least 3.0. (Instead of the midterm tests in the first semester the result of the semifinal exam can be taken into account.)

Our teaching program is evolving continuously. Focused on the general objective of meeting the requirements of the medical curriculum, the courses are also intended to provide specific medical physics and statistics training.
Todays students will be the physicians of the oncoming decades. In selecting and highlighting topics of study, the first viewpoint is scientific foresight: the knowledge should be conveyed which must be pertinent to ensure first-class professional competence while keeping abreast of the most recent development in the field of study. Our aim is not only the teaching of a specific body of knowledge but also the development of the exact scientific method and concrete problem-solving abilities.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Damjanovich-Fidy-Szöllősi (eds): Medical Biophysics (2009)

Laboratory Manual of Medical Physics and Statistics (2006)



1 Introduction; Basic mathematics (Herényi Levente) 2015.09.10.  
2 Basic general physics (Herényi Levente) 2015.09.17. mechanics_summery_2015.pdf  
3 Geometrical optics; Fermat principle; Applications of geometrical optics (Agócs Gergely) 2015.09.24. 2015-09-24-AG-geom_opt.pdf  
4 Wave optics; Applications of wave optics; Photon concept (Herényi Levente) 2015.10.01. 2015-10-01_optika_e_GYTK_2015_HL.pdf  
5 Radiations; Law of attenuation of intensity of radiation (Herényi Levente) 2015.10.08. 2015-10-08_rad_e_GYTK_2015_HL.pdf  
6 Structure of matter; atom, electron (Herényi Levente) 2015.10.15. 2015-10-15_sruct_e_2015_HL.pdf  
7 Atomic and molecular interactions; Applications (Bozó Tamás) 2015.10.22. 2015-1022_Atomic_and_molecular_interactions_BT.pdf  
8 Many atom systems; Boltzmann distribution; Gases; Solids (Herényi Levente) 2015.10.29. 2015-10-29_boltzmann_e_02_HL.pdf  
9 Light emission, scattering, absorption; Thermal radiation (Herényi Levente) 2015.11.05. 2015-11-05_thermal_rad_HL.pdf  
10 Luminescence; Light sources; Lasers (Herényi Levente) 2015.11.12. l2015-11-12_uminescence_HL.pdf  
11 Liquid crystals; biological and artificial membranes (Voszka István) 2015.11.19. 2015-11-19_liquid_crystals_VI.pdf  
12 Structural organization of living systems: water, nucleid acids, proteins (Agócs Gergely) 2015.11.26. 2015-11-26_figures_AG.pdf   2015-11-26_water_AG.pdf  
13 Radioactive isotopes and radiation (Smeller László) 2015.12.03. NuclearRadiations2015_9.pdf  
14 X-radiation and its interaction with matter. (Bozó Tamás) 2015.12.10.  



The second retake of first, second or both midterm tests will be in the Szent-Györgyi lecture hall on Dec 9. (Wednesday) at 7:00 p.m.

Consultations in the exam period will be on the following days at 4 p.m.:

Dec. 15, 22, 29, Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26

Házi feladat példák

Házi feladat példák

week Medicine   Practice

Microscopy I: 12
further calculations


Refractometry: 14
further calculations

6 7, 8, 20, 21    
9 1-4, 6    
10 15    
11 9, 10, 11    
14 24-28, 30