Mathematical and Physical Basis of Medical Biophysics 2016-2017


Általános információk

Elective course consisitng of lectures

1 credit

The course will be held in the Szent-Györgyi lecture hall during the first four Tuesdays and Fridays of the semester. On Tuesdays the lectures will be between 18:10 and 19:30. On Fridays the lectures will be between 17:40 and 19:00.

Important: everybody must pass a test from the course material, regardless of course registration and attendance. Passing the test is a prerequisite for obtaining a signature in Medical biophysics I.

Thus, we invite everyone to attend this course, as it will help in preparing for the mandatory test and for studies in Medical biophysics.

Closing test of the course: October 4  18:10. Its place will be different for different groups. The exact place will be announced later.



1 Mathematics necessary for understanding biophysical laws. Physical quantities and units. (Agócs Gergely) 2016.09.06. 2016_09_06_Basic_Physics_Lecture_01_EN_AG.pdf   00_Units_01.xlsx  
2 Kinematics – physics of motion (Agócs Gergely) 2016.09.09.  
3 Statics – changes of shape, forces, mechanical stress, pressure (Gál-Somkuti Judit) 2016.09.13. 2016_09_13_PhysBasis_03_SJ.pdf  
4 Dynamics – work, energy (Gál-Somkuti Judit) 2016.09.16. 2016_09_16_PhysBasis_04_SJ.pdf  
5 Fluid mechanics, Oscillations (Mártonfalvi Zsolt) 2016.09.20. test_english_01.pdf   p_osc.pdf  
6 Waves, Thermodynamics (Mártonfalvi Zsolt) 2016.09.23.  
7 Electricity – charges in rest and in motion (Bozó Tamás) 2016.09.27.  
8 Magnetism, magnetic induction (Bozó Tamás) 2016.09.30.  



The test, that is compulsory for all EM students irrespectively of registration to the course will be on Oct. 4 (Tuesday) at 18:10.
The place of the test for each group:

Szent-Györgyi lecture hall:
EM 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13

Lecture hall of I. Department of Surgery (Üllői str. 78, ground floor)
EM 2, 4, 14

Lecture hall of II. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Üllői str. 78/A 2nd floor)
EM 1, 5, 9, 11, 12

The retake will be on October 27 (Thursday) at 6 p.m. in Békésy lecture hall.

Second retake (last chance) Nov. 9. 17:30 Beznák lecture hall (first floor)