Foundations of medical physics 2010-2011


Általános információk

Elective course

1st year 1st semester.

1 hour lecture + 1 hour practice/week (lecture: Tuesday 11:50-12:35 Szent-Györgyi lecture hall)

3 credits

Tutor: Dr István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60211)

Condition for signature: participation on at least 75 % of the practices, the result of both midterm tests should be at least 2.


A tantárgy rövid leírása

Short description of the topics included in the course:
Basic dynamics: Forces, fields. Equilibrium, motion (flow), vibrations, waves. Conservation laws and their consequences.
The motions of microworld: Atoms, electrons. Photon. Quantum-behaviour. The instability of the nucleus, radioactivity, types of disintegrations. Electromagnetic waves, material waves.
Atomic interactions and condensed systems: Macroscopic and microscopic states. Laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic potentials.
Geometrical and physical optics: Lenses, microscope, interference, polarization. Photometry.
Electricity: Current, voltage, electromagnetic induction. AC and DC electric circuits.
Basic electric circuits: voltage generator, current generator, RC and LC circuits. Semiconductors: diode and transistor. Amplifier.

A tantárgy feladata az orvosképzés céljainak megvalósításában

Aim of the course is to fill the gap between the knowledge obtained in an average secondary school and the knowledge base which is necessary to follow the university courses. Because of the inhomogeneity and going down of the scientific education in the secondary school, there is a need for completing and summarizing of the basics of the physics at the beginning of the university curriculum.
We summarize the most important basic principles of physics serving for the basis of the Medical Physics course in the 2nd semester. The topics of the secondary school physics are selected according this idea.
The course is suggested for all the students, but especially for those who did not have good result from physics at the secondary school leaving examination.



1 Physical quantities, geometric optics (Herényi Levente) 2010.09.07. first01.pdf  
2 Physical optics (Herényi Levente) 2010.09.14. optics_problems.pdf  
3 Dynamics 1. (Herényi Levente) 2010.09.21. second01.pdf  
4 Dynamics 2. (Herényi Levente) 2010.09.28. Dynamics_problems.pdf  
5 Thermodynamics 1. (Herényi Levente) 2010.10.05. third01.pdf  
6 Thermodynamics 2. (Herényi Levente) 2010.10.12. thermodyn_problems.pdf  
7 Electric charge, current (Osváth Szabolcs) 2010.10.19. electricity_problems.pdf   electricity_I.pdf  
8 Resistances, capacitors (Osváth Szabolcs) 2010.10.26. electricity_II.pdf  
9 Electromagnetic induction (Osváth Szabolcs) 2010.11.02. electricity_III.pdf   Electricity_problems_2.pdf  
10 Atomic physics () 2010.11.09. atomic_physics_problems_1.pdf   The_microsopic_world.pdf  
11 Atomic nucleus, radioactivity () 2010.11.16. atomic_physics_problems_2.pdf   the_microscopic_world_2.pdf  
12 Decay law () 2010.11.23. The_microsopic_worldIII.pdf  
13 Multiatomic systems () 2010.11.30. The_microsopic_worldIV.pdf  
14 Basic electric circuits (Osváth Szabolcs) 2010.12.07. electricity_IV.pdf