Mathematical and Physical Basis of Medical Biophysics 2023-2024


Általános információk

Elective course (lectures only)

1 credit

The requirements can be downloaded here

The course will be held in the Szent-Györgyi lecture hall during the first four Mondays (18:30 - 20:00) and Fridays (16:55 - 18:15) of the semester. 

Important: passing the closing test from the course material is mandatory for all medical students. Passing the test is a requirement for obtaining a signature in Medical Biophysics I. 

Therefore, we recommend it to every student to attend this course, as it will help in preparing for the mandatory test and for studies in Medical Biophysics.

Closing test of the course: see at exam

A tantárgy feladata az orvosképzés céljainak megvalósításában

The aim of the subject is to remedy the deficiencies in the education of mathematics and physics in secondary schools, and to provide the background knowledge necessary for the Biophysics subject. 

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Mathematical and Physical Basis of Medical Biophysics (manual)

Unit conversions

Transposition of formulae




1 Mathematics necessary for understanding biophysical laws. (Agócs Gergely) 2022.09.05. AlapFiz_EN_22_01_notes.pdf   AlapFizEN_22_01_02_honlap.pdf  
2 Physical quantities and units. Kinematics – physics of motion (Agócs Gergely) 2022.09.09. AlapFiz_EN_22_02_notes.pdf  
3 Statics – changes of shape, forces, mechanical stress, pressure (Haluszka Dóra) 2022.09.12. Chapter_4_calculations_EN.pdf   AlapFiz20220912EN_HD.pdf  
4 Dynamics – work, energy (Haluszka Dóra) 2022.09.16. Chapter_5-6_calculations_EN.pdf   AlapozoFiz20220916EN_HD.pdf  
5 Fluid mechanics, Oscillations (Mártonfalvi Zsolt) 2022.09.19. alapozo_2022_09_19_en.pdf  
6 Waves, Thermodynamics (Schay Gusztáv) 2022.09.23. hullam_hotan_2022_EN.pdf  
7 Electricity – charges in rest and in motion (Schay Gusztáv) 2022.09.26. AOK_elektromossagtan_EN_2022.pdf  
8 Magnetism, magnetic induction (Schay Gusztáv) 2022.09.30. AOK_megnesseg_EN_2021.pdf  



see information in Moodle