Biophysics 2. (Dentistry) 2017-2018


Általános információk

Compulsory subject 1st year 2nd semester

2 hours lecture/week + 2 hours practice/week

credit: 5

Lecturer: Dr. Gabriella Csík

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60234)

Condition for signature: participation on at least 75 % of the practices, at least 50 % of the points possible to get from the two midterm tests are achieved. The lab reports should be ready within one week after the measurement.

Participation in the practical lessons is compulsory. No more than three absences from practices are allowed for any reason, otherwise the semester will not be credited. Missed sessions must be reported to the teacher the week after. The missed measurements should be done with another group if possible.

Students must write a lab. report for each measurement. The registration card is signed only when the report is acceptable. The report is due two weeks after the measurement. At the final exam time all students must show their collection of reports to the examiner.The lab reports should be ready within one week after the measurement.

Precondition for participationon the laboratory practices, that the student must print the lab report sheet and fill the first page. It is important, that the student should write the questions, that he/she had during preparation for the practice. This will be the basis of discussion .

Rules for lab reports :

1.      Every lab report is considered as a written exam, where three types of grades can be given: „Accepted” „Correction needed” or „Not accepted” .

2.      The basis of acceptability that the teacher must sign the data measured ont he practice and written into part D of the lab report.

3.      After this the evaluation of the data must be done on the attached pages (parts E, F, G). For this application of computer is suggested, but the previously used excel sheets prepared for the given measurement are not allowed to use.

4.      Only the tasks listed in the homepage are required for a certain measurement.

5.      We give help to prepare the lab report by the checklist included in the sheet.

6.      The dataprocessing in the lab report can be accepted only if it is based ont he data measured by the student.

7.      The teacher will show, what is the mistake or missing part in the lab report. After correction the lab report must be shown again to the teacher.

8.      The acceptance can be recorded on the registration card if the correct lab report was shown.

9.      The signature for the semester can be given only if all the lab reports are ready in correct form.

10.  The last possibility to give the lab report is the last practice. After finishing the semester there is no possibility to give lab reports.
The form for the lab report can be downloaded here:

The tasks for the acceptance of lab reports are listed here:

The order of laboratory practices can be downloaded here:


Midterm tests:

There will be two midterm tests on the 6th and 11th weeks. (8th week is the spring holidays).  It contains 5 questions, from which there are 2 calculations. One can get 10 points for each question. One has to get at least 50 points from the possible 100 altogether for the two midterms to pass. Retake will be on the 14th and 15th weeks from the material of both midterms
The first midterm will be from the lecture material of 1-5. weeks and the laboratory practices of the first measurement cycle. The second midterm will be from the lecture material of 6-10. weeks and the laboratory practices of the second measurement cycle.

Favours based on the semester work:
The student who gives all the lab reports on the week after the measurement and gets “Accepted” grade for all of them gets a bonus 5 at the end of the semester.
The student who answers correctly 75 % of the questions given on the lectures gets a bonus 5 at the end of the semester.

Exams and favours (ED)
Oral exam containing calculations, practice question and theoretical questions.
The bonus grades are counted into the final grade.
The student having at least 4 as the average of midterms does not have to take calculation on the exam.

Formula collection can be used on the exams. It can be downloaded here:

A tantárgy feladata az orvosképzés céljainak megvalósításában

Our teaching program is evolving continuously. Focused on the general objective of meeting the requirements of the medical curriculum, the courses are also intended to provide specific medical biophysics training.
Todays students will be the physicians of the oncoming decades. In selecting and highlighting topics of study, the first viewpoint is scientific foresight: the knowledge should be conveyed which must be pertinent to ensure first-class professional competence while keeping abreast of the most recent development in the field of study. Our aim is not only the teaching of a specific body of knowledge but also the development of the exact scientific method and concrete problem-solving abilities.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Damjanovich-Fidy-Szöllősi (eds): Medical Biophysics (2009)

Medical biophysics practices (Semmelweis Publisher, 2015)

Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology (Elsevier 2013)



1 MRI (Szigeti Krisztián) 2018.02.05. 2018_02_05_MRI_SzK_En.pdf  
2 Radiaton therapy. Dosimetry of ionizing radiations I: physical and biological dose concepts, biological effects of ionizing radiation (Hudeczné Dr. Csík Gabriella) 2018.02.12. 2018_02_12_dosimetry_CsG.pdf   2018_02_12_radther_CsG.pdf  
3 Dosimetry of ionizing radiations II: detectors for nuclear- and X-radiation; radiation protection (Hudeczné Dr. Csík Gabriella) 2018.02.19. 2018_02_19_dosimety2_CsG.pdf  
4 Sound and Ultrasound (US): Physical properties and parameters of sound; generation of US; basic principles of medical application of US (Hudeczné Dr. Csík Gabriella) 2018.02.26. 2018_02_26_US_CsG.pdf  
5 US imaging, A-, B-, and M.image, Doppler methods; US therapy. (Hudeczné Dr. Csík Gabriella) 2018.03.05. 2018_03_05_US2_CsG.pdf  
6 Human body as a source of signals, types, detection, analysis and presentation of signals; basic principles of madical imaging () 2018.03.12. Signal2018.pdf  
7 Physical methods in bio-molecular studies: special microscopic technics, AFM, absorption and fluorescent spectroscopy (Kis-Petiková Katarína) 2018.03.19. 2018_03_19_microscopy_KPK.pdf  
8 Spring holidays 2018.03.26.  
9 Easter Monday 2018.04.02.  
10 Transport phenomena I: flow of fluids and gases in tubes, application of laws in living systems (blood and air flow) (Herényi Levente) 2018.04.09. 2018_04_09_transport_flow_HL.pdf  
11 Transport phenomena II: phenomenon of diffusion and its role in the living organism, osmosis (Herényi Levente) 2018.04.16. 2018_04_16-transport_diff_HL.pdf  
12 Bioelectric phenomena I: physical interpretation and local changes of resting membrane potential (Hudeczné Dr. Csík Gabriella) 2018.04.21. 2018_04_21_resting_pot_CsG.pdf  
13 Bioelectric phenomena II description of excited state, generation and propagation of action potential. (Hudeczné Dr. Csík Gabriella) 2018.04.23. 2018_04_23_action_pot_CsG.pdf  
14 Basic principles of sensory function. (Hudeczné Dr. Csík Gabriella) 2018.05.07. 2018_05_07_sensor_CsG.pdf  
15 High frequency heat therapy; pulse generators bases of electric diagnostic and therapeutic methods (Hudeczné Dr. Csík Gabriella) 2018.05.14. 2018_05_14_physical_therapy_CsG.pdf  



Re-retake of both midterm tests: May 16 (Wednesday) 17:45, Szent-Györgyi lecture hall.

Consultations in the exam period will be on the following days at 2 p.m.:

May 22, 29
June 5, 12, 19, 26
July 3.

The exams start at 8:30. Without lab reports and ID card nobody can sit for the exam.




Competition on Medical biophysics/Biophysics will be held on May 3 (Thursday) at 6:00 p.m. in Szent-Györgyi lecture hall.

Condition for participation: at least 150 points are achieved from the 4 midterm tests (Instead of the first semester midterms the semifinal exam can be taken into account if it was 4 or 5. 5 can be considered as 85 points, 4 can be considered as 75 points.
  Form of it: written test containing problems and theoretical questions.


   Favours of exam:

The persons getting at least 50 % from the calculation part do not have to do the calculation on the final exam.
The persons getting at least 50 % of the possible points also in the theoretical part, do not have to take the theoretical questions on the final exam. In this case only the practice question has to be answered (together with its theoretical background). We call the attention, that in this case the exam is not formal and the student must be prepared well in order to get good grade.

- The persons achieving the best results (winners of first, second and third places) will get some reward and they do not have to take any question at the final exam (they get 5).

 The winners will not be determined separately for the different faculties.

We call your attention that during the competition one can use calculator with max. 2 lines display only.

Results of competition        
name group      
ROCH Stefan Pascal EM12 I. place    
CHOI Kisung EM3 II. place    
BELADEV Shaked EM2 II. place    
HUFFMAN Alan EM6 III. place    
YUN Kyungeun EM15 III. place    
DAMBUYANT Apolline Katia EM3 calculation exemption
ERGUL Meder EM4 calculation exemption
FUJIWARA Yuki EM5 calculation exemption
HAMID Ahmad Kamal EM6 calculation exemption
KADOSH Roy EM7 calculation exemption
KIM Keumbi EM8 calculation exemption
KNUDSEN Mikael Hartvedt EM8 calculation exemption
KUO Tzu-Chi EM8 calculation exemption
LEE Seungyeon EM9 calculation exemption
ODLAND Havard Ulstein EM11 calculation exemption
SCHØNBERG - MOE Andreas EM13 calculation exemption


Házi feladat példák

Házi feladat példák

week Lectures Practice
1   31, 33-38
2 32 further calculations amplifier
4 45, 65  
6   further calculations ECG
7   Pulse gen. 67, 68
further calculations pulse gen
8   Audiometry: 56, 57, 58 further calculations audiometry
9 41, 42, 44 further calculations isotope diagnostics
11 54  

From the further calculations the following are important for the final exam:
Amplifier: 13, 14, 15 Audiometry 8, 9 Pulse gen. 14 all biomechanics calculations.

Also see in  the first semester the calculations listed to the semifinal exam.