Biophysics 1. 2022-2023


Általános információk

Obligatory subject 1st academic year first semester

Lectures: 1.5 hours/week Friday 8:00-9:20 Békésy lecture hall

Laboratory practices: 2.5 hours/week

Credit: 4
Lecturer: Dr. Levente Herényi PhD
Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 4591500 ext: 60234)

Requirements can be downloaded here


Exemption pleas must be submitted until the 9th of September to the Tutor of the subject. The pleas must be based on previous university studies. The transcript with the detailed topic list of the relevant subjects is required for the exemption. If there is a sufficient overlap between the subjects at least 75 % of the topics match each other, then the applicant is eligible to partake on a written test at the beginning of the second week of the semester to get exemption from Biophysics. The test contains 40 multiple choice questions. The style of the of the questions is provided in the link below:


The participation on the lectures is strongly advised. The provided explanations and mathematical descriptions presented in the lectures facilitate the understanding of the material. Without a firm understanding preparing to the exam

is extremely challenging and ineffective in many cases. According to the regulations the participation on the lectures is mandatory, and the attendance will not be monitored.

Laboratory practices

Participating on the laboratory practices is obligatory. Students must attend the laboratory practices prepared. The corresponding chapter of the lab manual is considered as read. Based on the material of the lab quick oral surveys can be conducted to size up the knowledge of the attendants. All attendees must complete their lab report about the measurement on their own.

The form for the lab report can be downloaded here:

The order of laboratory practices can be found here:

The timetable of the Department can be downloaded here

Rules for lab reports :

1. The lab report excel sheet must be downloaded from the website of the department. The lab report is complete when all cells are filled with the appropriate information. Then the excel must be uploaded to the bifilab in the timeframe of the lab.

2. Only those lab reports can be accepted that used the measured data the participant during data processing.

3. Every lab report is considered as a test, where three types of grades can be achieved: „Accepted” „Correction needed” or „Not accepted” .

4. The lab supervisor will mark what parts of the lab report must be corrected, if parts of the lab report are missing the missing parts need to be filled.

Missed measurements

No more than three absences from practices are allowed. In case of 4 or more absences the participant fails the subject. Missed measurements can be substituted by taking part on the same lab with another group within the 4-week cycle of the laboratory practices. (Before attending another groups lab consulting with the lab supervisor is obligatory.)


  • There will be one midterm during the semester
  • The midterm will take place during the laboratory practice in the moodle system
  • Tasks: Calculations, analysis of diagram, theoretical and practical questions related to laboratory practices
  • Material: laboratory practices between the first and tenth weeks + calculations
  • Date: biophysics practice on the 11th week (between Nov. 14 and 18)
  • Students can use Formula collection and calculator during the test.
  • Favors:
  • Students who achieve at least 75 % of points will get exemption from one of the two practice questions. (The student can choose which question to unfold.)
  • If someone achieves 75% or more on the test it does not mean grade 5 for the exempted question and does not mean successful exam in any case, just the exam will be simplified.
  • In case of unsuccessful exam, the granted favor is lost. On the retake all the questions must be answered.
  • The midterm test cannot be repeated or taken later; it can be only attempted with the student’s own group during the timeframe of the laboratory practice.
  • The results of the test will be available on the 12th week in the presence of the lab supervisor

Conditions for signature:
1. Participation on at least 75 % of the practices, (in case of more than    3 absences the signature for the semester is denied.)
2. No more than 3 “Not accepted” or not uploaded lab reports by the end of the semester.

In case of more than 3 absences only the head of the department can grant the signature.

The exam is oral, it is a conversation. The students get questions generated randomly both from laboratory practices and theory.

Formula collection is usable on the exams. The formula collection is provided below:

We would like to call attention that we do not give permission to take Biophysics II. Without passing Biophysics I. and Physical basics of Biophysics.

A tantárgy rövid leírása

Biophysics plays a basic role in the education of pharmaceutical students. There are dual role of the subject: on one side it gives general knowledge of natural sciences, on the other side it gives theoretical and practical basis of application of physical principles and methods in pharmaceutical sciences.
In connection to this it helps the development of structured way of thinking. Through this one can find connection to the basic subjects and to the applied pharmaceutical subjects.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Damjanovich-Fidy-Szöllősi (eds): Medical Biophysics (2009)

Medical biophysics practices (Semmelweis Publisher, 2015)


Chapter resonance Fig. 7. correct version: 07_csillapitott_kenyszerrezges_kulso_erovel_2_EN_2018.jpg



1 Introduction; (Herényi Levente) 2022.09.09.  
2 Some basic physical phenomena and their explanations. (Herényi Levente) 2022.09.16.  
3 Geometrical optics; Fermat principle; Applications of geometrical optics for curved surfaces. (Herényi Levente) 2022.09.23.  
4 Lenses, image formation; lupe; microscope; necessity of a new model. (Herényi Levente) 2022.09.30.  
5 Wave optics, Young experiment; optical grating. Electromagnetic radiation. (Herényi Levente) 2022.10.07.  
6 Photon concept. Radiations; Law of attenuation of intensity of radiation. (Herényi Levente) 2022.10.14.  
7 Atom, electron. Most important experiments. H-atom; Bohr’s model. (Herényi Levente) 2022.10.21.  
8 Duality; quantum numbers. Spin. Atomic and molecular interactions. (Herényi Levente) 2022.10.28.  
9 Many atom systems. Gases. Barometric formula. (Herényi Levente) 2022.11.04.  
10 Boltzmann distribution. Solids. Crystal defects (Herényi Levente) 2022.11.11.  
11 Doped crystals. Liquid crystals. Water, surface tension, hydrophobic interaction; proteins. (Herényi Levente) 2022.11.18.  
12 Light emission, absorption; light scattering; Thermal radiation; Luminescence; Light sources; Lasers. (Herényi Levente) 2022.11.25.  
13 X-radiation and its interaction with matter. (Orosz Ádám) 2022.12.02.  
14 Radioactive isotopes and radiation (Bozó Tamás) 2022.12.09. Radioactive_isotopes_radiations_2022_BT.pdf  



The exams start at 8:30 a.m. in the student laboratories of the department. One should wait near to the corridor there. Students have to bring ID card (containing their photo) to the exam.

In the exam period we organize online consultatins on the following days at 3. p.m.

Dec: 12, 19
Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30
Febr. 6

The zoom link for the consultation on Febr. 6.  is:



EP semifinal exam 2022-2023 [pdf] 2024.07.03.

Házi feladat példák

Házi feladat példák

week Theory   Practice
2     unit conversion
transposition of formulae
3     Microscopy I: 16
further calculations
4     Refractometry: 18
further calculations


6 25, 26    
7     Resonance.pdf
8 1-7   Problems_Light_Absorption.pdf
9 19, 20   BioPhysics_Problems_Microscopy_II_2016.docx
10 13, 14, 15   Problems_Nuclear_Medicine.pdf
11     further calculations amplifier
12 13, 14, 15   Dosimetry: 41, 45, 47-51
13 30-36, 39    
14 21, 22, 23    

Problems of the third edition: 31-Feladatok_EN_2018_KM.pdf