Biophysics 1. 2023-2024


Általános információk

Obligatory subject 1st academic year first semester

Lectures: 1.5 hours/week Thursday 12:00-13:15 Békésy lecture hall

Laboratory practices: 2.5 hours/week

Credit: 4
Lecturer: Dr. Levente Herényi PhD
Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 4591500 ext: 60234)


The participation on the lectures is strongly advised. The provided explanations and mathematical descriptions presented in the lectures facilitate the understanding of the material. Without a firm understanding preparing to the exam is extremely challenging and ineffective in many cases. According to the regulations the participation on the lectures is mandatory, and the attendance will not be monitored.

Biophysics Labs

Participation on the labs are compulsory. You must be prepared for the labs. Preparation means studying the relevant chapter of the practical note. On this basis, you will be able to ask questions to the lab supervisor to improve your understanding.

From the third week onwards, attendance of the lab is granted based on the weekly Moodle test, where the student has to achieve at least 50%. The number of attempts on the Moodle test is not limited. The deadline for the Moodle test is Midnight before the day of the lab. 

No other mid-semester examinations will be held. 

At each lab, a lab report will be prepared about the performed measurements. 

Evaluation of the lab reports. 

1.     The draft of the lab report is available on the institute’s website as well as on the bifilab server. The lab report can only be accepted if the lab report is adequately filled out and uploaded within the timeframe of the lab, from the provided lab computers. 

2.     The lab report is only evaluated if it is based on the participant’s own measurements.

3.     All uploaded lab reports are considered as a test with three achievable grades „accepted”, „needs correction” and „rejected”. 

4.     In case of a lab report with a „needs correction” or „failed” grade the lab supervisor’s notes point out the shortcomings of the lab report.  These lab reports must be corrected. After correction with the consent of the lab supervisor, the lab report can be uploaded again to the server. After this, the lab supervisor can grant a new grade based on the new lab report. 

Substitution of missed labs

Substitution of missed labs is only possible within the same cycle by attending the lab of another group. Before attending another group’s lab both the supervisor of the group and the supervisor of the attended group must be informed. 

If a student has more than three missed labs, the signature from the subject can only be granted by the head of the department.

Criteria for the signature 

1.     Attendance on at least 75% of the labs, meaning no more than 3 unsubstituted labs. 

2.     The signature can only be granted to those who have no more than 3 „rejected” lab reports. An unsubstituted lab is equivalent to a rejected lab report. 

A tantárgy rövid leírása

Biophysics plays a basic role in the education of pharmaceutical students. There are dual role of the subject: on one side it gives general knowledge of natural sciences, on the other side it gives theoretical and practical basis of application of physical principles and methods in pharmaceutical sciences.
In connection to this it helps the development of structured way of thinking. Through this one can find connection to the basic subjects and to the applied pharmaceutical subjects.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Damjanovich-Fidy-Szöllősi (eds): Medical Biophysics (2009)

Medical biophysics practices (Semmelweis Publisher, 2015)


Chapter resonance Fig. 7. correct version: 07_csillapitott_kenyszerrezges_kulso_erovel_2_EN_2018.jpg



1 Introduction; (Orosz Ádám) 2023.09.07.  
2 Some basic physical phenomena and their explanations. (Herényi Levente) 2023.09.14.  
3 Geometrical optics; Fermat principle; Applications of geometrical optics for curved surfaces. (Herényi Levente) 2023.09.21.  
4 Lenses, image formation; lupe; microscope; necessity of a new model. (Herényi Levente) 2023.09.28.  
5 Radiations; Law of attenuation of intensity of radiation. Electromagnetic radiation. (Bozó Tamás) 2023.10.05.  
6 Wave optics; Young experiment; Optical grating; Photon concept. (Herényi Levente) 2023.10.12.  
7 Atom, electron. Most important experiments. H-atom; Bohr’s model. (Herényi Levente) 2023.10.19.  
8 Duality; quantum numbers. Spin. Atomic and molecular interactions. (Herényi Levente) 2023.10.26.  
9 Many atom systems. Gases. Barometric formula. (Herényi Levente) 2023.11.02.  
10 Boltzmann distribution. Solids. Crystal defects (Herényi Levente) 2023.11.09.  
11 Doped crystals. Liquid crystals. Water, surface tension, hydrophobic interaction; proteins. (Herényi Levente) 2023.11.16.  
12 Light emission, absorption; light scattering; Thermal radiation; Luminescence; Light sources; Lasers. (Herényi Levente) 2023.11.23.  
13 Radioactive isotopes and radiation (Bozó Tamás) 2023.11.30.  
14 X-radiation and its interaction with matter. (Orosz Ádám) 2023.12.07.  




The colloquium has two parts, a written and an oral part. The oral part is a conversation about biophysical issues. Which includes the comprehension of the material. 

The written part of the examination includes a test similar to the weekly Moodle tests with the homework problems. The students have 30 minutes to answer 7 questions. Each question is for 1 point. Based on the material of the 12 labs 3 tasks will be given. These tasks will be similar to the tasks of the Excel lab protocols, each task is worth 3 points. For the written part 16 (7+3x3) points can be achieved, to pass the written part of the colloquium at least 8 points have to be achieved. 

If more than 8 points are acquired on the written test then the oral part of the exam will take place shortly. The oral part of the exam will include theoretical questions from the material of the labs as well, but lab report evaluation will not be a part of it. 

During the exam, the participant is provided a formula collection:

We would like to call the attention of the students so that only those students can take up the Biophysics II. course who passed the Biophysics I. course as well as the Mathematical and Physical Basis of Biophysics course. 

Topic list for the semifinal exam

Consultations in the exam period will be on the following days at 2. p.m. online:

Dec. 11, 18
Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29
Febr. 5

The actual zoom link will be given a few days before the consultation.
On Febr. 5. you can use the following link:


Házi feladat példák

Házi feladat példák

week Theory   Practice
2     unit conversion
transposition of formulae
3     Microscopy I: 16
further calculations
4     Refractometry: 18
further calculations


6 25, 26    
7     Resonance.pdf
8 1-7   Problems_Light_Absorption.pdf
9 19, 20   BioPhysics_Problems_Microscopy_II_2016.docx
10 13, 14, 15   Problems_Nuclear_Medicine.pdf
11     further calculations amplifier
12 13, 14, 15   Dosimetry: 41, 45, 47-51
13 30-36, 39    
14 21, 22, 23    

Problems of the third edition: 31-Feladatok_EN_2018_KM.pdf