Medical biophysics 1. 2014-2015


Általános információk

Compulsory subject 1st year 1st semester

1.5 hours lecture/week + 2 hours practice/week

Lecture: Thursday 13:50-15:00 Szent-Györgyi lecture hall

credit: 3

Tutor: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60211)

Condition for signature: participation on at least 75 % of the practices, the result of both midterm tests should be at least 2.

After the semester there is semifinal exam (written test + oral). One has to achieve at least 50% of the possible points on the written part in order to pass both in multiple choice questions and inthe other part that contains calculations and a drawing. (The midterm test is similar to the written part of the exam and the conditions to pass are the same.) The student whose average of midterm tests is at least 4 (concerning only the first trials) can get exemption from the written test. The exemption is valid only for the first exam. The oral part contains two theoretical question and one practice question. Failure is possible also on the oral part.

A tantárgy rövid leírása

Participation in the practical lessons is compulsory. No more than three absences from practices are allowed for any reason, otherwise the semester will not be credited. Missed sessions must be reported to the teacher the week after. The missed measurements should be done with another group if possible.
Students must write a lab. report for each measurement. The registration card is signed only when the report is acceptable. The report is due two weeks after the measurement. At the semifinal and  final exam time all students must show their collection of reports, signed by the teacher of the group  to the examiner.

Sample for the lab reports of the first 3 measurements:



Measurement techniques

Assessing the students knowledge
Midterm test covering the material of lectures and practical lessons: twice a semester (6., 11. week) Repetition of unsuccessful test: 8., 13. week. For credit one must pass both midterm tests.
Short tests: possible every week (up to the teacher).

At the end of the second semester we organize a competition. The condition for participation: the average result of midterm tests is at least 3.5.

A tantárgy feladata az orvosképzés céljainak megvalósításában

Our teaching program is evolving continuously. Focused on the general objective of meeting the requirements of the medical curriculum, the courses are also intended to provide specific medical biophysics training.
Todays students will be the physicians of the oncoming decades. In selecting and highlighting topics of study, the first viewpoint is scientific foresight: the knowledge should be conveyed which must be pertinent to ensure first-class professional competence while keeping abreast of the most recent development in the field of study. Our aim is not only the teaching of a specific body of knowledge but also the development of the exact scientific method and concrete problem-solving abilities.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Damjanovich-Fidy-Szöllősi (eds): Medical Biophysics (2009)

Laboratory Manual of Medical Physics and Statistics (2006)



1 Introduction Connection of medicine and biophysics. Radiations in medicine. (Fidy Judit) 2014.09.11. bevez_FJ.pdf  
2 Biophysics of light (Kellermayer Miklós) 2014.09.18. 02_Light4_KM140917.pdf  
3 Propagation and interactions of light. I. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2014.09.25. Optics4_KM140925.pdf  
4 Propagation and interactions of light II. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2014.10.02. Optics_Eye4_KM141002.pdf  
5 Structure of matter, matter waves, atomic and molecular interactions. As an example: atomic force microscopy and its macroscopic model. (Kiss Balázs) 2014.10.09. struct_AFM_20141009_KB_EN_net4.pdf  
6 Describing many-particle systems. (Fidy Judit) 2014.10.16. Boltzmann.pdf  
7 Interaction of light with matter: scatter, absorption, emission, luminescence (Kellermayer Miklós) 2014.10.30. 08_Abs_Em_Lumin1_4KM141030.pdf  
8 Luminescence (continuation), lasers. (Kellermayer Miklós) 2014.11.06. 09_Laser4_KM141106.pdf  
9 Biomedical applications of fluorescence (Mártonfalvi Zsolt) 2014.11.13. 10_Fluorescence_applications4.pdf  
10 Atomic nucleus, radioactivity, nuclear radiations. Interactions of nuclear radiations with matter, radioactive isotopes, techniques of radiotracing. (Smeller László) 2014.11.20. 2014_NucleusNuclearRadiations7.pdf  
11 Dosimetry, radiation protection. Nuclear measurement techniques. (Smeller László) 2014.11.27. Detection_Dosimetry_2014_ver5_1.pdf  
12 Main problems of nuclear medicine. Radioactive radiations in medical practice. Diagnostic and therapeutic applications of ionizing radiations. Gamma camera. (Voszka István) 2014.12.04. diag_ther_nuc_radVI.pdf  
13 Signal processing. Classification of signals. Fourier decomposition. Basic electronc circuits. Semiconductor elements in the circuits. Signal conversion and selection. (Kaposi András) 2014.12.11. 2014-12-11_signal_processing_KAD.pdf  



 The second midterm test is between Nov. 17. and Nov. 21.  during the laboratory practice for each group.

      Its subject:

    The themes of the lectures and  practical lessons between Oct. 13. and Nov. 14.

We call your attention, that during the midterm tests and exams one can use calculator with max. 2 lines display only.

The retake of the midterm test will be in the Szent-Györgyi lecture hall on Dec. 2. (Tuesday) at 8 p.m.

The second retake of first, second or both midterms will be on Dec. 9. (Tuesday) at 6:30 p.m. in Szent-Györgyi lecture hall.

From the further calculations the following are important for the semifinal exam:

Microscopy I.: 2.23, 2.28

Refractometer: 2.10, 2.12, 2.14

Light emission: 2.56

Resonance: 11.2, 11.3

Mikroscopy II. (Special microscopes): 2.34, 2.35

Light absorption: 2.77, 2.78, 2.152

Optics of the eye:  4.5, 4.9

Nuclear medicine: 12.1, 12.4, 12.6

Biophysics consultations in the exam period will be on the following days at 4 p.m.:

December 16, 30, January 6, 13, 20, 27.

Házi feladat példák

Házi feladat példák

week Medicine   Practice
2 20, 21   Microscope: 12  further calculations
3 7, 8, 15   Refractometer: 14  further calculations
5     light emission
6 39   Resonance
7 1-4, 6   Special Microscopes
8     Light absorption
9     Optics of the eye
10 9, 10, 11   Nuclear medicine
11     Gamma absorption: 19
12 24-28, 30    
13 29, 32    

From the further calculations the following are important for the semifinal exam:

Microscopy I.: 2.23, 2.28

Refractometer: 2.10, 2.12, 2.14

Light emission: 2.56

Resonance: 11.2, 11.3

Mikroscopy II. (Special microscopes): 2.34, 2.35

Light absorption: 2.77, 2.78, 2.152

Optics of the eye:  4.5, 4.9

Nuclear medicine: 12.1, 12.4, 12.6