Biostatistics and informatics 2018-2019


Általános információk

Compulsory subject 1st year 1st semester

Credit: 3

Departmental Curricular Offical: Dr. István Voszka (phone: 459-1500/60234)

Weekly contact hours:

Lecture: 1 lesson (45 minutes)

Practice: 2 lessons (90 minutes) for each group

Conditions for signature:

Participation in at least 75% of the lab practices (i.e. maximum 3 absences)

The results of each of the midterm tests should reach at least 50%.


If one wants to get exemption from the subject based on previous studies one must give the application to the tutor until 15th September 2018. The transcript (original or validated copy) and the detailed topic list of the relevant subjects should be attached. If there is a proper overlap between the topics (at least 75%) we check the knowledge of applicants at the beginning of the second week of the semester. The computer test to be written consists of multiple choice questions and open calculation tasks. The sample test below showshe attached sample test shows the style of questions.

Sample Biostatistics Exemption Test

A tantárgy rövid leírása

The medically relevant elements of biomathematics, information theory, biostatistics and bioinformatics are discussed within the subject. During the practices done on we learn to handle biological and medical databases and carry out statistical tests.

A tantárgy elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok (könyv, jegyzet, egyéb)

Homepage of the department (lecture slides, homework files).

Kellermayer: Medical Biophysics Practices (Semmelweis, Budapest, 2015, ISBN 978-963-331-349-7): STATISTICS chapter

Statistics Formula Collection

Short-cut keys, functions, and types of calculations in the midterms and exams



Optional literature:

D.G. Rees: Essential Statistics (Chapman & Hall, London, 2001)




1 Purpose of statistics in the curriculum of medical school; Deterministic and stochastic laws (Agócs Gergely) 2018.09.12. StatEN_18_01_honlap.pdf  
2 Data; Descriptive statistics. (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2018.09.19. median1_en.xlsx   lecture2_descriptive_planned.pdf  
3 Elements of probability calculus and statistics (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2018.09.26. Stat_lecture3_EN_2018_upload1.pdf  
4 Frequently used distributions (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2018.10.03. honlapra.xlsx   Stat_lecture_4_EN_2018_2.pdf  
5 Statistical estimation (Agócs Gergely) 2018.10.10. Stat18_05_EN.pdf  
6 General principles of hypothesis testing (Agócs Gergely) 2018.10.17. Stat18_06_EN.pdf  
7 Statistical tests () 2018.10.24. Hypothesis_test_2b.pdf  
8 Parametric and non-parametric tests for comparison of two groups. () 2018.10.31. Hypothesis_test_3.pdf  
9 Multiple comparisons () 2018.11.07. Hypothesis_test_4.pdf  
10 Regression, correlation. () 2018.11.14. Correlation-regression.pdf  
11 Examination of dependence relations of variables; Analysis of frequencies () 2018.11.21. Chi-square.pdf  
12 Evaluation of diagnostic tests (István Daruka) 2018.11.28. 2018-11-28_diagn_e_DIF_2.pdf  
13 Concept of information, databases, clinical databases (Schay Gusztáv) 2018.12.05. EXTENSION_material_just_for_fun.pdf   Information_and_databases_schayG_2018_condensed.pdf  
14 Evidence based medicine, clinical studies (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2018.12.12. EBM_logika_2018_en5_komment.pdf   EBM_logika_2018_en5.pdf   peldak_all_feltolt_en.xlsx  
15 2019 Lectures II. (Veres Dániel Sándor) 2019.10.26. stat_lecturesII_2019_2.pdf  



Exams at December 2021 and January 2022:

In respect to rector's instruction the exam will be with personal attendance in one of the biophys practice room.

A personalized excel file that contains the open calculation tasks and multiple choice questions will be given. The solved file have to be upload after 75 minutes.

Statistics Formula Collection may be used. The minimum passing mark is 50%.

Requirements for the exam:

  • ID document (official ID with picture, eg. passport or residence card) - have to be prepared.

(Wilcoxon signed rank and Mann-Whitney-U tests won't be asked as calculations in the exam.)

Updated at 2021. Dec 06.

Házi feladat példák

Házi feladat példák

The following tri-lingual Excel workbook files contain exercise problems related to the topics of the statistics labs. Select the language of the exercises on the first "T" sheet. The other sheets contain the tasks and their solutions alternately.

Excel Basics (27th Aug 2020) NEW!

Functions: Linear Functions (24th Sep 2017)

Descriptive Statistics: Frequencies (21st Sep 2018)

Descriptive Statistics: Parameters & Percentile Table (1st Oct 2018)

Combinatorics (16th Jan 2017)

Parameters of Theoretical Distributions (15th Oct 2016)

Point Estimation (11th Oct 2017)

Normal Distribution and its Parameters and Quantiles (23rd Dec 2015)

Interval Estimation and t-Distribution (20th Oct 2016)

Introduction to Hypothesis Testing (5th Dec 2016)

Student's t-test (one sample; two samples; correlation coefficient) (6th Nov 2018)

Student's t-test (one sample) (18th Nov 2015)

Student's t-test (correlation coefficient) (22nd Nov 2017)

Rank tests (22nd Nov 2017)

Chi-squared test (16th Jan 2017)

Risk, Odds, Logit (13th Dec 2016)

Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests (27th Nov 2014)